Warrior Three Glute Pulse was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by Julie Lohre
Figure Four Dancers Single Leg Squat
The Figure Four Single Leg Squat, sometimes called the figure four squat for dancers, is a variation on the traditional air squat that adds components of core, balance and flexibility to create a challenging and effective squat variation exercise.
Ballet Side Leg Raise
This ballet leg exercises inspired move, works your hips, glutes, thighs, abdominals as well as your hamstring flexibility. Starting with a Curtsey squat to the side, you’ll raise and kick your leg up and out to the side. Not everyone will be able to kick as high or as tall as I’m demonstrating. How do you get ballet legs? Ballerina’s …
Lunge Front Kick Exercise
Standing Lunges with a front kick tend to be a better form of lunges when compared to stationary lunges due to the impact they have on the leg and thigh muscles and the fact that standing lunges with a kick involve a dynamic movement and balance. Dawn Reichley, IFBB Figure Pro demonstrates the Lunge Front Kick Exercise Lunge Front Kick Exercise was last modified: March 17th, 2020 …
Wall Pushups exercise
Dawn Reichley demonstrates the Wall Pushups exercise Wall Pushups exercise was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by Julie Lohre
Fire Hydrant Exercise
Sculpt your booty! This guide will teach you how to master the fire hydrant exercise so that you can target those glute muscles for a jaw-dropping butt
Lying Leg Raise
Lying Leg Raise Abdominal Exercise | Double Leg Drop Exercise Lying leg raises, also called the double leg drop exercise, are one of my favorite movements to work your hip flexors and are one of the best exercises for tightening and strengthening the abs. Growing up as a gymnast, bodyweight abdominal exercises helped me develop core strength needed for advanced …