How To Do Reverse Flyes with Dumbbells

Rear Delt Fly or Reverse Dumbbell Flyes

How to Do Rear Delt Fly or Reverse Dumbbell Flyes The Rear Delt Fly, often referred to as the Reverse Dumbbell Flye or the Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise, stands as a cornerstone exercise for those looking for a shoulder sculpting workout. With its precision targeting of the posterior deltoids, reverse flyes go beyond looks, offering benefits from posture correction to …

Twisting Overhead DB Press Arnold Press

Arnold Press with Dumbbells

The Arnold Press is a popular shoulder exercise that targets the deltoids, trapezius, and triceps muscles. Named after bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Arnold Press is a variation of the traditional shoulder press that offers unique benefits and challenges.

Heels To Heaven Exercise

Heels To Heaven Abdominal Exercise

The “heels to heaven” exercise, also called the “Upward Hip Thrust,” is an easy-to-do exercise that you can do anywhere, and it targets your lower abdominal muscles. It’s a great exercise to add to your workout regimen to tighten your midsection.
Equipment needed: Just a clear spot on the floor!

Dead Curl Press Exercise with Dumbbells

Dead Curl Press Exercise

The dead curl press exercise combines three strength moves (dumbbell deadlift, bicep curl, and overhead press) to build lean, sexy muscle while burning fat!

Kettle Bell Swing with Dumbbell Modification

This exercise demonstration is for those who wish to do a kettle bell swing but may not have the proper kettlebell equipment. This variation is shown using a traditional dumbell weight. Kettle Bell Swing with Dumbbell Modification was last modified: February 8th, 2024 by rglohre

Forward Lunge with Lateral Raise

This exercise, similar to the 45º Lunge with Lateral Raise, focuses on two areas, legs and shoulders.
In this variation of the traditional forward lunge, we add a lateral raise in the bottom position of the forward lunge. By adding the lateral raise portion to this exercise, we target both upper and lower body in one movement. The lateral raises will target your delts, while the forward lunges will target your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core and the hard-to-reach muscles of your inner thighs.

Side Squats and Lateral Squats

Squats overall are an amazing workout for the legs and glutes. Every fitness professional around tends to prescribe squats for leg strength as well as for calorie burn, since working your larger muscle groups burns more calories.

Learning the basic squat is your first goal on this front, but once you have the basics, it is important to mix up your workouts and add dimension to the moves.

Handstand Progressions

Handstand Progression Training

This is the ultimate handstand progression guide to learning how to do a handstand. This video includes step by step exercise progressions for the handstand! With 5 simple steps you can work toward building the strength you need to execute a full handstand Perfect for beginners! More advanced viewers may also find this video beneficial as I share tips and secrets to balancing your handstand and for completing pirouettes.

Australian Pull Ups Work Toward Full Pull Ups

Australian Pull-Up

Australian Pull-Ups: Struggling To Get Strict Pullups? Build Strength Now! When it comes to building upper body strength and improving functional fitness, the Australian Pull-Up (also known as the Bodyweight Row or Under Bar Assisted Pull Up) is a movement that deserves a spotlight. This underrated exercise strengthens the back, shoulders, and arms while engaging the core, making it a great choice for anyone looking …

Dumbbell Upward Delt Pulses Elbows Together

Dumbbell Upward Delt Pulses Elbows Together Upward Delt Pulse Exercise Demonstration is a variation on a shoulder press that focuses on your shoulder muscles. This exercise focuses on your shoulders and targets all sides of your deltoids, as well as your triceps. How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart, slight bend in the knees. Bend your elbows 90 degrees, …

Band Pull Aparts Exercise Library

Band Pull Aparts

Band Pull Aparts – The band pull apart exercise is deceptively simple.  It can be a very challenging shoulder and back exercise that tests the muscles in your upper back and the stabilizer muscles in your shoulder joints!

Bow And Arrow Exercise - Across Body Delt Pulls

Bow and Arrow Exercise | Across Body Delt Pulls

One of my favorite delt moves is the across body delt pulls also known as the Bow and Arrow Exercise. So this is where you’re going to channel your inner “Archer”…so if you have drawn a bow before…one arm is going to be straight out of front…you’re going to take your bow string and you’re pulling back across your body. …

Standing Side Bend with Leg Raise Exercise

Standing Side Bend with Leg Raise

 Standing Side Bend with Leg Raise Fit Body Fitness Model Kathryn Gleason demonstrates how to do this combination ab and leg exercise. Standing Side Bend with Leg Raise was last modified: March 7th, 2023 by Julie Lohre

Lift Off Lunge

Lift Off Lunge

  Lift Off Lunge Lift Off Lunge was last modified: March 7th, 2023 by Julie Lohre

45 Degree Lunge with Lateral Raise

45 Degree Lunge with Lateral Raise

This exercise focuses on two areas, legs and shoulders. In this variation on lunges, we add a lateral raise and a directional component to the traditional exercise. By stepping out to the side of the lunge at 45 degrees we add an element of stability and rotation as well as adding an upper body movement with the lateral raises to …

Push Press Exercise

Push Press

Push Press exercise demonstration. Crossfit has made the push press a very popular movement that engages the whole body.  The Push Press movement can be done with dumbbells or a barbell, however you feel most comfortable.

How to do a dumbbell lateral raise

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

The dumbbell lateral raise is a basic weight lifting exercise that is great for beginners through advanced weight lifters. In this version of the dumbbell lateral raise, you start with dumbbells in each hand at thigh level.


Ab Barbell Leg Curl Ins

Exercise Demonstration by IFBB Fitness Pro and Women’s Fitness Expert Julie Lohre. Julie demonstrates the ab barbell leg curl in. Targeting the abdominals and core, this exercise is completed on the ground or on a bench with the barbell overhead in a “bench press” position while your legs are extended in a hollow body position. To complete one rep of …