FITBODY Success Story Profile Michele Clancy

Losing weight while on Tamoxifen

Beating Breast Cancer and Tamoxifen Weight Gain: Michele’s Story “I looked at some photos from a year ago and I was really shocked at how different I look… even my complexion looks so much better ❤️. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done to get me on a healthy way of life agin. “ Name: Michele Clancy 52Hometown: Lynn …

Fitness Journey After Baby


Getting back into shape after having a baby can be tough! Here is my postpartum fitness journey and transformation along with post partum fitness Q&A.

Misty Vaccariello transforms her body with Julie Lohre's Online Personal training for women

Misty Vaccariello

Misty Vaccariello had been a runner for years, but no matter how much she ran she still struggled with her weight and finding the best diet plan for women that would work for her body. Misty knew that her current exercise and diet plan weren’t giving her the results she was after, but she wasn’t sure what to do. As …

Delora Beaver Profile

50 Year Old Woman Body Transformation

Are you a 50 year old woman ready to make a body transformation? Want to be FIT over 55?Time to get inspired! At 56 year old, Delora Beaver has transformed her body to compete and place against women half her age in a bikini competition!


6 Month Body Transformation

6 MONTH BODY TRANSFORMATION At 46, Chris Reeb made an incredible but realistic 6 month body transformation and decided that she did not need to compete to achieve the body of her dreams! “My progress since I started has been tremendous and life changing, but realistic!  I have dropped about 40 lbs and cut my body fat in half!  I …

Julie Lohre Review Success Story

The FITBODY Way Jen Grant’s Results

Do it the FITBODY Way!
With a lot of hard work and dedication, 47 Year old Jen Grant transformed her body gaining muscle while losing bodyfat to achieve the fitbody of her dreams!

Fit and Strong at 50 Woman

Fit and Strong at 50

Fit and Strong at 50 and Beyond! Stronger and fit over 50? YES! It is possible! Find out how Paige Dunn became stronger than ever with FITBODY Online Training! “I have to say I was shocked at how quickly my body changed. Within 8 weeks, I had noticeable body composition results and that got me hooked.” Paige Dunn, 50 NAME …

Postpartum weight loss success Baylie Wallahan

Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline – Baylie Wallahan

Postpartum weight loss timeline… 60 pounds down in 1 year and keeping it off! With a lot of hard work and dedication, over the course of 1 year, Baylie Wallahan made an incredible 60 pound postpartum weight loss transformation!

Sonia Simpson

Fit Over 50

At 54, Sonia Simpson is better than ever! From Obstacle course racing, to pole dance fitness, to masters bikini compeitions 50 is the new 30! “With Julie Lohre as my online fitness coach, my legs and glutes are better than ever!!! They have been able to grow and get in amazing shape, while she also helped tighten and define my …

Michelle Moneck

Michelle Moneck

Inspirational Fitness Story: How mom of 5 and female entrepreneur, Elaina Carrera, overcame abuse, conquered her fears and transformed her body and mindset.

Tarrah Martin Profile

Dr. Tarrah Martin

Discover Dr. Tarrah Martin’s awe-inspiring online personal training journey with FITBODY creator Julie Lohre as her online fitness coach. The transformative power of hard work and dedication as a first time bikini competitor. Witness her remarkable metamorphosis and unleash your own inner strength with this unforgettable success story.

Fit at 60 Female profile

Fit at 60 | Get in shape at 60?

Can you lose 20 pounds after Menopause? It is possible to be fit at 60 and to get in shape at 60 and beyond! With Online Fitness Coaching Valerie did it!

Emily Tiffan Profile

First Figure Competition

It IS possible to compete and WIN your first figure competition! See Emily’s journey to transform her physique & prep for her 1st figure comp in the OCB.

Busy mom exercising outside

Busy Mom Home Workout Transformation

Discover the incredible fitness journey of a busy mom who achieved a stunning body transformation through home workouts. Witness her inspiring story of perseverance and success while working with renowned fitness coach Julie Lohre as her dedicated online personal trainer. Read now to be motivated and learn valuable insights on achieving your own fitness goals from the comfort of your home.

Bikini Body Mom Profile

Bikini Body Mom Sarah Monke

Bikini Body Mom Sarah Monke…From Childbirth to Bikini Competitor in 1 Year… Fitness is a family affair for this incredible Bikini Body Mom!

Shawn Moran Profile FITBODY Training

FITBODY Training Success Shawn Moran

FITBODY Training Success Shawn Moran | Stronger and more fit over 50? YES! It is possible! Find out how rock star Shawn Moran conquered her fears and became the best version of herself through FITBODY Training!