How to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life | Fit and Fabulous Over 50 When Bohdana Wise turned 50, she made a big decision: to get into the best shape of her life. As a U.S. Air Force Major and someone who’s always loved fitness, she knew it wouldn’t be easy to become fit and fabulous over 50. …
Achieving a Bikini Ready Body After 40: A First-Time Master Competitor’s Journey
Learn how women over 40 can compete in their first masters bikini competition with expert coaching, real results, and time-saving strategies.
Misty Vaccariello
Misty Vaccariello had been a runner for years, but no matter how much she ran she still struggled with her weight and finding the best diet plan for women that would work for her body. Misty knew that her current exercise and diet plan weren’t giving her the results she was after, but she wasn’t sure what to do. As …
50 Year Old Woman Body Transformation
Are you a 50 year old woman ready to make a body transformation? Want to be FIT over 55?Time to get inspired! At 56 year old, Delora Beaver has transformed her body to compete and place against women half her age in a bikini competition!
Fit Grandma – Over 50 Transformation
At 53, this fit grandma made an incredible over 50 transformation, conquering hypothyroidism to achieve the body of her dreams!The Ageless Transformation: How One Grandma Achieved a Jaw-Dropping Over 50 Fitness MakeoverName, Age, and HometownHI! I am Michele Brewley. I am 53 years old and live in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.Personal InformationI am a mother of 2 beautiful adult girls (Kali and …
Fit Over 50
At 54, Sonia Simpson is better than ever! From Obstacle course racing, to pole dance fitness, to masters bikini compeitions 50 is the new 30! “With Julie Lohre as my online fitness coach, my legs and glutes are better than ever!!! They have been able to grow and get in amazing shape, while she also helped tighten and define my …
Dr. Tarrah Martin
Discover Dr. Tarrah Martin’s awe-inspiring online personal training journey with FITBODY creator Julie Lohre as her online fitness coach. The transformative power of hard work and dedication as a first time bikini competitor. Witness her remarkable metamorphosis and unleash your own inner strength with this unforgettable success story.
First Figure Competition
It IS possible to compete and WIN your first figure competition! See Emily’s journey to transform her physique & prep for her 1st figure comp in the OCB.
Novice Bikini Competitor Success
It IS possible to compete and WIN your first figure competition! See Emily’s journey to transform her physique & prep for her 1st figure comp in the OCB.
Bikini Body Mom Sarah Monke
Bikini Body Mom Sarah Monke…From Childbirth to Bikini Competitor in 1 Year… Fitness is a family affair for this incredible Bikini Body Mom!
FITBODY Training Success Shawn Moran
FITBODY Training Success Shawn Moran | Stronger and more fit over 50? YES! It is possible! Find out how rock star Shawn Moran conquered her fears and became the best version of herself through FITBODY Training!
FITBODY Inspiration – Talitha Meyer
Postpartum weight loss timeline… 60 pounds down in 1 year and keeping it off! With a lot of hard work and dedication, over the course of 1 year, Baylie Wallahan made an incredible 60 pound postpartum weight loss transformation!
Lifelong FITBODY Success
Postpartum weight loss timeline… 60 pounds down in 1 year and keeping it off! With a lot of hard work and dedication, over the course of 1 year, Baylie Wallahan made an incredible 60 pound postpartum weight loss transformation!
Figure Competition Transformation
Postpartum weight loss timeline… 60 pounds down in 1 year and keeping it off! With a lot of hard work and dedication, over the course of 1 year, Baylie Wallahan made an incredible 60 pound postpartum weight loss transformation!
Radha Burtch – 25 Pound Weight Loss!
Tara Qualey’s 40th birthday challenge to herself: Compete in her first figure competition.
Adrienne Schroll
From First Time Bikini Competitor to OCB Bikini Pro? It IS possible with the right support. Find out how Adrienne got competition ready with Bikini Prep Pro
Elaina Carrera
Inspirational Fitness Story: How mom of 5 and female entrepreneur, Elaina Carrera, overcame abuse, conquered her fears and transformed her body and mindset.
Melissa Colston
38 year-old United States Air Force Veteran and mom of 2, Melissa Colston, completely transformed her body in less than 6 months and achieved her fitness competition dream! NAME, AGE & HOMETOWN I am Melissa Colston. I am 38 years old and live in Uniontown, OH HI MELISSA COLSTON! TELLS US A LITTLE ABOUT YOU! I am an Air Force …
Ellen Adams
Bodybuilding Figure Competition Over 40At 47, Ellen Adams has over come a devastating biking accident and acheived her dreams of competing in a bodybuilding figure competition over 40!In my most recent competition, the Powell Classic Bodybuilding Competition, not only did I place 3rd in Masters over 40 (and yes, I am 47) but I won $400! And my daughter was …
Melissa Jackson
Masters Figure Competitor Melissa Jackson began competing at age 41 and has been winning high level shows ever since. Now, at 47, this amazing competitor just keeps getting better!HometownMadison, IndianaPersonal InformationI am 47 years old and have been happily married to my husband and very best friend going on 15 years. I work full time as a Human Resources Coordinator. …
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