Melissa Jackson

Melissa Jackson

Masters Figure Competitor Melissa Jackson began competing at age 41 and has been winning high level shows ever since. Now, at 47, this amazing competitor just keeps getting better!HometownMadison, IndianaPersonal InformationI am 47 years old and have been happily married to my husband and very best friend going on 15 years. I work full time as a Human Resources Coordinator. …

Lauren Becker Overall Bikini Champion

Lauren Becker

First time Bikini Competitor, Lauren Becker balanced clean eating and healthy contest prep with school to drop 15 lbs and lost 6% bodyfat to become the Overall NPC Bikini Champion!HometownCincinnati, OhioPersonal InformationI am a 21 year old student at Butler University.  I started working out almost 2 years ago, but wasn’t getting the results I wanted.  I finally began doing …

Chelsea Proeschel

Pescatarian, busy mom and first time Bikini Competitor, Chelsea Proeschel, wins her first show, inspires her daughter and lands the cover of FITBODY News Magazine!HometownTrenton, OhioPersonal Information I have a 3 year old little girl. I work as a PCA in a hospital and will soon graduate nursing school.Transformation Info I began working with Julie Lohre in her Online Contest Prep …

Amy Contreras Holistic Babe

Amy Contreras

Overcoming Celiac and Embracing a Vegetarian Lifestyle with Amy ContrerasAmy Contreras spent years gaining weight, being bloated and experiencing stomach aches every time she ate. After finally discovering that she suffered from celiac disease, she was able to make food and exercise work for her body, not against it. Amy’s holistic approach to both food and fitness has helped her …

Amanda Valentine You can pound this

Amanda Valentine

Losing 117 pounds and keeping it off for 6 years… all through healthy lifestyle changes! It is possible!Having grown up obese, country music DJ extraordinaire & podcaster, Amanda Valentine made the decision to change her life and her body through exercise, clean eating (but not dieting) and shear determination! HometownMillstadt, Illinois Personal InformationI’ve been obese since I was 6 years …

Ornella Grosz

Ornella Grosz

Recognizing that her health and fitness are just as important as her career, Ornella Grosz makes an incredible transformation in just 4 months losing inches and really defining her abs! At the same time, her strength and overall fitness have soared as she shaved 1:30 seconds off her 1 mile run and bringing her resting heart rate down from 88 …

Jennifer Harer Online Personal Training with Julie Lohre

Jennifer Harer

Jennifer Harer, an avid marathon runner turned to weight lifting to shape and define her body. This amazing FITBODY mom and teacher, gained confidence and both the physical and mental strength to accomplish her dreams setting an incredible example for her boys and her students!HometownMuncy, PA Personal InformationI have been married for 15 years and have 2 boys, Conner and …

Brenda Arms

Brenda Arms

Fit Body Mom of 4, Brenda Arms finds that she does not need to eat a crazy low carb diet to get the tight, defined body of her dreams! With her online training transformation, she is eating more, working out smarter and loving life with her husband and kids!HometownElkhart, Indiana Personal InformationI have a wonderful husband Adam Arms, 4 amazing …

Kathryn Fauver trains with Online Fitness Coach Julie Lohre

Kathryn Fauver

Find out the Best Bikini Exercises for women that want the Fitness Model look following Kathryn’s journey from First Time Competitor to Natural Bikini Pro!

Deena Gindling

Deena Gindling

In just under 6 months, Deena Gindling , a 40 year old mom of 2, went from 22% to 11% bodyfat. She lost 12 lbs & completely transformed her body all while eating more calories than she ever thought possible!HometownLawrenceburg, Indiana Personal InformationI’m a 40 year old mother of 2 children: Paige, 14 & Blake, 11. I’m proud to say …

Renee Cipriani - FITBODY Training client

Renee Cipriani

Incredible online personal training body transformation! Her 40 lbs weight loss with 7 inches off her waist was just the icing for Renee Cipriani. This 53 year-old fit grandmother is stronger, faster & healthier! See how she made this incredible body transformation!HometownSayler Park, OhioPersonal InformationI am a 53 year old mother of 4 grown daughters, have 5 grandchildren and have …

Jennifer Jacobs Fitness

Jennifer Jacobs

FITBODY MAGAZINE FOR WOMENThe Latest in Fitness & Nutrition for Real Women!Click Here to Get It FREE!Busy mom and first time figure competitor Jennifer Jacobs proves that you do not have to go to extremes to compete as she becomes stronger and healthier all around in her journey to stage!HometownElizabethtown, KY Personal InformationI am a 33 year old working mother …

Online Training Success Story

Makayla Florence Wallace

Even personal trainers & fitness professional need help reaching there goals! Julie Lohre offers women of all experience levels accountability, motivation and next level training & nutrition. FITBODY Makayla Florence Wallace is a fitness professional who inspires women every day with her drive and determination. Don’t let her petite frame fool you… she knows how to train like a beast!HometownGeorgetown, …

Michelle Burke Online Personal Training for Women with Julie Lohre

Michelle Burke

While traveling around the world for work can throw off even the most dedicated Fitbody, Michelle Burke has found a way to balance her demanding schedule with a healthy lifestyle. You might find her jetting to Europe for work or hitting the waves surfing for cardio but one thing is for sure, where ever she is, she is making her …

Julie Lohre Online Personal Training client Tamara Sutila

Tamara Sutila

Tamara Sutila was last modified: October 21st, 2018 by Julie Lohre

Kelly Kincaid

Kelly Kincaid

Over the last few years, Kelly Kincaid has worked hard to add muscle to her smaller frame and she has gained incredible strength. After suffering injuries and having surgery on both knees, Kelly lost a significant amount of muscle. With the right balance of weight training and nutrition, Kelly has come back from those surgeries stronger than ever. In 8 …

Tayllor Green

Tayllor Green

FITBODY Tayllor Green has transformed into the women she always wanted to be through focusing on her fitness efforts in Julie Lohre’s Online Personal Training Program for Women with the results naturally following.HometownHouston, Texas Personal InformationI am a fitness instructing, dancing, kickboxing queen! What are your greatest fitness accomplishments?My greatest accomplishment is feeling like I actually know what I’m doing …

Dana Taggart Figure Champion

Dana Taggart

FITBODY Cover Model Dana Taggart is a Police officer and single mom of 2. Find our how she beat ‘mom guilt’ and realized that the healthier and fitter she became, the better she felt and the better mom she could be. She is insipiring women everywhere to become fit moms!While I’ve always been active in sports and in mediocre shape, …

Megan Petty NPC Bikini Champion

Megan Petty

Fit Body Online Bikini Competition Client, Megan Petty takes the Overall at her first Bikini show! Find out how she got the best legs and glutes of the show while getting into the best shape of her life! Not only did she compete in her first NPC Bikini Show, but to become an Amateur Bikini Champion!HometownAtlanta, GA Personal InformationI am …

Katharine Rose

Katharine Rose

Katherine Rose embodies the FITBODY Lifestyle… a strong, genuine and beautiful women with the heart of a champion. Find out how she looks this amazing eating 2000 cals a day during contest prep!HometownCold Spring, Kentucky Personal InformationI have always been a competitor my entire life, growing up I was a competitive power tumbler winning the Regional, State and National level …