Hand Release Push Ups
One great way to improve your push ups is by trying the hand release push up. This variation on the standard push up will target a lot of the same muscles used, such as your shoulders, chest, and core. But it will also work them even harder by breaking down each stage of the exercise.
What’s even better about the hand release push-up? Starting every rep from the ground increases the range of motion and reduces the use of momentum, which adds to the challenge and forces you to use more force to get back up into a high-plank at the end of every rep.

Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Abdominals, Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Bodyweight Only
Level: Beginner
How to do a hand-release push-up
1. Start on the floor with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your legs fully extended and feet together. Your abdominals and lower body should be tight. Keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle, rather than flaring them out wide. This will be your starting position.
2. Allow your body to momentarily relax as you release your hands and feet briefly from contact with the ground.
3. Immediately return your hands and feet to the ground and forcefully push up. This is one repetition.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
More information:
The hand release push-up is a dynamic variation of the traditional push-up that not only targets the chest but also engages the abdominals, shoulders, and triceps. By incorporating this variation into your workout routine, you can intensify the challenge and experience increased benefits. Here, we’ll address some common questions to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the hand release push-up.
Are hand release push ups easier?
Contrary to the perception that hand release push-ups might be easier due to the brief rest on the ground, they are, in fact, harder than regular push ups if done properly. This push up version is a slower than a normal push-ups that have become the gold standard push up variation for good reason. First off, the hand release push-ups are a more complete movement, and keep your focus on form. Second, the end points of the exercise allow you to work an additional range of motion not typically found in the standard push up. Lastly, the added challenge of starting each repetition from the ground increases the demand on your muscles and reduces the use of momentum, making them a valuable progression from standard push-ups.
What is the benefit of a this version of the push up?
This exercise gives you approximately 10% more range of motion than regular push-ups. This additional range of motion presents a significant opportunity for building muscle. When completed properly, this version of push-ups primarily focus on the pecs, so they teach you to better use your chest when doing pressing movement. They also focus on the sub scapular during the bottom position where you are lifting your hands off the ground adding in additional muscles that would not normally be recruited in the standard push up exercise.
What are hand-release push-ups good for?
Hand release push-ups offer several benefits, including:
- Increased Range of Motion: This variation provides approximately 10-15% more range of motion than regular push-ups. This extended range of motion promotes muscle engagement throughout a broader spectrum, contributing to enhanced muscle development.
- Focus on Form: By starting each repetition from a relaxed position on the ground, hand release push-ups emphasize the importance of maintaining proper form throughout the exercise. This focus on form translates to better muscle activation and development.
- Muscle Engagement: The exercise primarily targets the pectoral muscles, teaching individuals to utilize their chest effectively during pressing movements. Additionally, the subscapular muscles are engaged during the bottom position when lifting hands off the ground, activating muscle groups not typically recruited in standard push-ups.
Does the army do hand-release push-ups?
Yes, hand release push-ups are a common variation used in military training, including the army. They are incorporated to ensure recruits develop strength, endurance, and proper form in their upper body muscles. The emphasis on starting each repetition from the ground aligns with military fitness standards, requiring individuals to exert force and control throughout the entire range of motion.
Incorporating hand release push-ups into your training routine can lead to improved overall upper body strength, endurance, and muscle development. As with any exercise, it’s essential to perform them with proper form and gradually progress as your strength increases.
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