After a bad experience of eating way too low calories and over training, Katie Dougherty was able to significantly increase her calories and fire up her metabolism allowing her to lose 20 lbs and achieve her fitness goals!
Cincinnati, Ohio
Personal Information
I have always been the type of person that has enjoyed working out and eating healthy, but wanted to take this to the next level. A little under a year ago, I had the goal to step on stage and compete in my first figure competition. I was originally with another coach who gave me the stereotypical “bodybuilding” diet of broccoli, chicken and rice and ended up gaining weight. She told me that she would help me reach my goal and as the intended show date approached, she ended up backing out and leaving me feeling hopeless and completely defeated. This goal seemed so far away and impossible until I met Julie Lohre. Julie gave me the confidence back that I had lost with my other coach and helped me reach my goal of stepping on stage.
Transformation Info
- Over a 4 month period, I gained muscle while losing 20 pounds. On my 5’3″ frame, that is a lot of weight to lose!
- My metabolism really increased! Julie Lohre kept my nutrition plans between 1500 – 1700 calories per day with moderate levels of cardio…and I lost weight.
- Proving to myself that if I want something bad enough & work hard, I can do it.
- Being able to run a mile in under 10 minutes which has ALWAYS been a struggle for me. Now I can do it!!!
I began prepping on December 26 for my figure competition on April 15. This allowed me 16 weeks to feel confident enough to put on a suit and step up on stage in front of all my friends and family. And to my surprise, I actually did it. With the help and support from Julie Lohre and my friends and family, I worked my butt off for that entire 16 week period, not cheating once or missing a single cardio session. I wanted it so bad and wasn’t going to stop until I succeeded. I honestly could not have done this without Julie Lohre by my side. Without her knowledge and support, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
What do you love most about fitness?
Challenging myself each and everyday. I love seeing the results and the transformation of where I first began to where I am at now.
What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Seeing the results and finally feeling great about myself. There is always room for improvement, but for right now I feel great about my progress and how far I’ve come in such a short amount of time.
Best part of working with Julie Lohre
Everything!! Julie Lohre is absolutely amazing and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything that she’s done for me. She has done something that I never thought anyone could do for me and in such a short amount of time. She was there supporting me every step of the way and made me feel like I could do this. Even when I had my doubts or just needed someone to vent to about my frustrations, she was there to support and guide me. I can’t wait for what is more to come with Julie! She is truly the best!
When Julie would send my new diet and workout plan it was like getting a present in the mail. I couldn’t wait to see what new and creative foods she would have me try and how my macros would change.
Favorite clean eating food or recipe
Definitely Chocolate Ultimate Muscle Protein protein powder from Beverly International with peanut butter, ice cubes and water. This was like my “dessert” at night and kept my cravings away. I also loved the chicken “fried” rice- great way to switch things up yet still get in a healthy portion of veggies and chicken!
“I was able to prove to myself that if I want something bad enough and work hard for it, I can do it.”Katie Dougherty
I really do love working with Julie Lohre. She is truly amazing and did things I didn’t think any online coach could do. Her fun approach to food and constantly switching things up kept my eating plan fun and exciting for me and EXTREMEMLY easy to follow. I think this is why I had so much success in actually sticking to the diet and not cheating. Why cheat when you already feel like you’re cheating with how good Julie’s nutrition plans are!?!Katie Dougherty