Misty Vaccariello had been a runner for years, but no matter how much she ran she still struggled with her weight and finding the best diet plan for women that would work for her body. Misty knew that her current exercise and diet plan weren’t giving her the results she was after, but she wasn’t sure what to do. As a wife, a mom of two little ones, and a licensed massage therapist, Misty was certainly a busy woman and did not have time to mess around. What she really wanted was someone to guide her with a straightforward training and diet plan that would help her achieve her fitness goals in a healthy way that she could sustain long term. That’s when she decided to get started online with Fitbody Fitness Coaching. If you want to find out how online personal training works, follow along with Misty!

The first thing I did was gather information about Misty’s current training and diet plan. Misty completed a detailed consultation form and sent it along with photos that showed her current conditioning. I know that taking those initial photos is one of the hardest things for a woman to do. We’re used to hiding or covering up our worst areas, but having an accurate picture of where you are starting will help you set realistic goals. After receiving Misty’s paperwork and photos, we set a time for an initial telephone consultation. This part is so important in the fit body experience! Online personal training is not for everyone, so this telephone conversation makes sure that we are both completely comfortable and confident with each other and the way the FitBody system works. I want my clients to understand the process, have every single question answered and to be 100% confident that everything we do is for their overall health, fitness and success.

During this consultation we determined that Misty had 3 primary goals:
- Make a clean eating diet plan and training a lifestyle – not something that she just did until she lost x # of pounds, but a long-term lifestyle.
- Get into the best shape of her life in the next year and achieve the kind of conditioning she always thought was possible.
- Continue to improve her running times as she got leaner and tighter.
From there, we talked through the specifics of her situation, what her daily life looked like, when were the best times for her to workout, any struggles she had experienced before with diet plans for women, what supplements she took, etc. I explained that she’d need to “check in” regularly with photos and measurements to assess her physical changes, and also with performance specific measures to determine improvements in her overall fitness.
As we talked, I could tell that Misty was going to be a great match for online personal training. Her time was limited and she needed to be in charge of her own schedule, but she was motivated and willing to take on the challenge.

How Online Personal Training Works | FITBODY Nutrition Planning
To help Misty reach her fitness goals, it was important to create meal plans that would nourish and fuel her body while balancing her weight loss goals. I am a huge believe in doing body recomposition where you lose body fat as you gain muscle instead of going through cutting and bulking phases. With body recomposition, women never have to gain bodyfat and become uncomfortable in order to add muscle. I also aim to increase a woman’s metabolism through our training sessions so that she is able to eat more calories and still burn fat to lose weight. Below are the meals plans that I created for Misty as we got started, which changed every 2 weeks, and what she was most recently eating in order to maintain her new physique.
Initial 1600 Calorie Diet Plan with Weigh Loss Focus
1600 Calorie Diet Plan
35% Protein, 40% Complex Carbs & 25% Healthy Fats
Meal 1: Breakfast parfait with Greek Yogurt, Berries, High Fiber Cereal & Almonds
Meal 2: 2 Scoop Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein Shake
Meal 3: Turkey, Hummus, Parmesan Wrap with Fruit
Meal 4: Oatmeal & Peanut Butter
Meal 5: Super Sized Grilled Chicken Salad
Current 2275 Calorie Diet Plan to Maintain Weight Loss
2275 Calorie Diet Plan
33% Protein, 31% Complex Carbs & 36% Healthy Fats
Meal 1: Eggs, Cheese & Spinach Frittata with Fruit
Meal 2: Ultimate Muscle Protein Energy Snack Balls
Meal 3: Grilled Salmon and Brown Rice with Mixed Veggie Salad
Meal 4: Kind Bar and Apple with Peanut Butter
Meal 5: Grilled Chicken Breast, Sweet Potato with Butter and Veggies
How Online Personal Training Works
Breaking the Under Eating / Over Eating Cycle
Very quickly I realized that Misty was caught in what I call the Under/Over cycle. It starts with good intentions… eating less and doing far too much cardio in an attempt to lose weight. With this kind of diet plan, your body can only take that for so long before you crash and end up overeating or binging because you are so depleted. This inevitably leads to guilt and more cardio paired with another stint of undereating. This cycle damages your metabolism and causes a weight roller coaster but over time, unfortunately, the result is a steady increase in bodyweight. It is an emotional roller coaster too, and while those under eating cycles might result in some weight loss, it all comes back and even more as soon as you ‘cave’ and eat more realistically.
Our first step was to increase Misty’s calories with her diet plan for women to a level that would support the amount of activity she was doing and help her start building a stronger metabolism. Adding more calories would help her feel satisfied throughout the day and make her less likely to overeat on lower quality food. Vegetables were completely unlimited and she could eat them any time she wanted, provided she did not add extra oil or butter to them. Finally, I encouraged her to be flexible with her eating. That she should listen to her body and eat according to her natural biorhythms. There is no magic hour by which you should stop eating if you still have calories left for the day.
Every two weeks we did a thorough evaluation of Misty’s progress with measurements from her progress tracker, photos, her fit test results, along with her personal feedback. As Misty lost bodyfat and lbs on the scale, she gained muscle. It is important to change diet plans as you go along to avoid plateaus, continue challenging your metabolism, and respond to the changes your body is making. For Misty, like many of my clients, we have been able to incrementally increase her calories to a level higher than she has ever consistently been to before! Currently, Misty has lost more than 20 lbs on the scale, gained considerable muscle and is now eating almost 2300 well-balanced calories a day as part of her diet plan. And she is still losing bodyfat! Check out Misty’s current diet plan above.
How Online Personal Training Works
Fit Body Experience… Supplementation to Support your Diet Plan
Misty knew that supplementation was an important part of her diet plan for women, but she was not sure where to begin. I explained that Beverly International supplements are the highest quality supplements on the market and that they would make a big difference in her results. With her busy life adding in Beverly Internationals Ultimate Muscle Protein was a no brainer. Misty loved the way it tasted as a shake and she has gotten very creative about using it in delicious snack recipes. We started off with the basic weight loss supplements for women – ones that I knew would help her lose bodyfat and add a bit of muscle.
Here is Misty’s FITBODY Weight Loss supplement plan:
Ultimate Muscle Protein – 1-2 scoops per day
Fit Tabs – 2 in the am
7 Keto Musclean – 2-3 twice a day
Lean Out – 2-3 twice a day
Glutamine Select – 1 scoop before training
As her body and her diet plan for women changed, her supplement needs changed too. Misty is at a point now where she wants to gain muscle and maintain her bodyfat, so we’ve added those that will help her build. Beverly International’s Creatine Select & Density are my favorite one – two punch for optimal muscle building. Recovery was something we were very concerned about and Misty had struggles with sleeping soundly. Adding in ZMA 2000 for night time recovery helped take her body to the next level. And of course, we continued with the complete multi-vitamin, Fit Tabs as we had in her weight loss focused phase
Here is Misty’s FITBODY Metabolism Boosting Supplement plan:
Fit Tabs – 2 in the am
Density – 2 with 3 meals per day
Creatine Select – 1 scoop before training
ZMA 2000 – 2 capsules before bed
EFA Gold – 2 with meals 1 and 5
FITBODY Custom Training Program
When it comes to training, Misty needed the right balance to achieve her fitness goals and also work with her life. She was accustomed to running, so more running was not the answer. We were going to challenge her body with weight training for women specifically and just enough endurance work that would still allow for growth. In general, I set up Misty’s training schedule so that she was working out 4-5 times per week for about 45 minutes each session.
Every 2 weeks, we would evaluate her progress and make changes to her training program as needed. Each month, we’d incorporate new exercises and new techniques including everything from traditional weight training for women, to body weight exercises to endurance training, to CrossFit ™ style movements, and everything in between. With cardio, my philosophy is efficient, effective and fun! No dying of boredom after hours on the treadmill! Misty did cardio she enjoyed varying from 2 short sessions per week up to 5 sessions per week. We kept Misty’s cardio times short but intense, rarely going over 30 minutes – usually in the 15–20 minute time range.
FITBODY Online Personal Training Results
Over the course of 8 months with me as her Online Fitness Coach for Women, Misty completely transformed her body. Not only has she lost more than 20 lbs on the scale, she has gained considerable muscle. She has lost 5 inches in her chest, 3 inches from her waist and hips, along with almost 3 inches in each thigh. The really exciting part of her progress though is her Fit Test results. Her strength has skyrocketed and her max pushups have more than doubled going from 20 to 42 on her feet pushups without stopping!
Misty has reached her running goal as well, clocking in her best ever 1 mile run time. Misty also reached her goal of competing in a figure show; in fact, she competed in 2, winning 3rd place in Open Figure. That said, Misty’s online personal training journey has been about so much more than competition. Here are some of the thoughts Misty shared with me as she progressed through her journey:
“I lost more than 20 lbs on the scale while gaining muscle, strength and getting faster!!!”
Misty Vaccariello
Follow along on my FITBODY journey and find out How Online Personal Training Works!
Jan 19th “It has only been a few weeks, but I wanted you to know that I had an amazing workout today. It really did come easier and I felt like a powerhouse today! I almost cried. This is the best feeling.”
Feb 1st “The biggest change in the last two weeks I would say was understanding measurements on food better, adding more veggies, and I also increased weight on my reps as I went along. So far, I am loving this journey. So much different than training for a marathon haha. I can’t wait to see what the next 4 weeks brings!”
March 15th “Ugh! Toughest week yet! Too much going on and not enough time.”
April 20th “Oh my goodness, tried the Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein Banana muffins today and they are amazing!!! I love having a protein powder that is so versatile.”
June 11th “I am eating more calories and food than ever yet I am the leanest I have ever been my whole life!”
July 6th “I was practicing posing tonight before bed. I wanted to cry (happy tears) at my reflection tonight when I realized how far I’ve come. My legs look so great, my abs, my arms… I’m feeling sooo much more confident. I’m just in total “wow” mode, and wanted to say thank you. I’m not sure I say it enough and in case I don’t…. This new path in my life of eating well, sculpting my body, and learning to appreciate the small things so much more… Is mostly because of you. I’m so glad I found you! I can’t wait for check in next week. Have a great week! Speak with you soon.”

Aug 16th “Julie Lohre! I just had to share this with you. My husband began eating like me once we got home from Missouri in Feb. Granted it was not exactly the same meals I was eating. He ate more cheat meals, and his were slightly different but for the most part, as a family we ate more veggies, fruits, lean meats etc. He’s lost over 70lbs lol!”
Aug 26th “It’s been 2 weeks since I competed and I’ve had a few people ask how am I doing in terms of weight, issues etc. Well I went into peak week eating quite a bit, and as soon as competition was over, my calories were increased quite a bit more. I was thinking… Who can eat this much food? I went back to eating clean within a day of the show. I’ve had a few cheat meals and cardio has been cut down quite a bit. I’m extremely proud to say I’m only 1.5lb up from mid peak week weight. My FIBODY experience along with your diet plans for women and your training for women has been incredible…”