Completing the Dumbell Fly with Glute Bridge and the advanced version with a Single Leg Glute Lift
Dumbbell Fly with Glute Bridge – This combination movement works both your chest and glutes in a synergistic move.
Advanced movement with a single leg brings the hip flexors and quads into play
Dumbell Fly with Glute Bridge Form
– Lie on your back with knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, and heels on the ground.
– Keeping your core tight, contract your glutes to lift your hips up, forming a straight line with your thighs and torso.
– Support yourself on your upper back & shoulders, with shoulder blades retracted.
– Holding a dumbbell in each hand, with palms facing upright. Move your arms upright and together above your chest.
– With your elbows slightly bent, open your arms to lower the dumbbells until they almost touch the ground.
– Hold for a brief pause, then return to the starting position Keep the movement controlled especially when coming down.
– Do not let the dumbbells touch the ground or touch each other at the top.
– Breathing Breathe out when raising arms, breathe in when coming down
Advanced Dumbell Fly With Glute Bridge Movement
Bring one leg upward by raising your knee and support your bridge position with one leg.
Julie Lohre, IFBB Fitness Pro demonstrates the Advanced Dumbbell Flye with Single Leg Glute Lift