Best Tricep Workouts & Tricep Exercises for Women
Losing weight? Great! But what's up with the jiggle?
Working hard on your nutrition is of course critical in your weight loss journey, but as you lose weight many people notice sagging in areas of their bodies they had not seen before. The back of the arms is one of the most obvious area where people see this kind of drooping, making it uncomfortable to wear short sleeves or tank tops.
The triceps brachii muscle, or triceps for short, is the large muscle in the upper arm that run along the humerus (the main bone of the upper body). Along with the biceps, the triceps work together to control the movement of the elbow. It is the chief extensor muscle of the upper arm. To extend the elbow, the triceps work by contracting while the bicep muscle simultaneously relaxes to pull the lower arm downward. To bend the elbow, the triceps relax while the bicep muscle simultaneously contracts to lift the lower arm upward.
If you want that portion of your arms to be tight and toned then it is critical to find the best triceps workout for women and to target the triceps! This area in particular seems to sag and lose shape overtime. Adding a few, easy tricep exercises will help improve your overall muscle tone to give you tighter, firmer arms.
Here is my favorite tricep exercises that can be done anywhere with limited equipment.
Tricep Exercises for Women: Overhead Tricep Extension (Band or Plate)
Tricep Workout for Women: Tricep Kickbacks
Tricep Workouts for Women: Tricep Dips
Tricep Workout for Women: Tricep Pushup
As you get stronger, adding in tricep pushups will really strengthen the back for your arms, working those triceps brachii muscles along with the whole body. Begin on your hands and knees on the floor with your hands directly under your shoulders. Bring your thumbs and index fingers together to form a triangle with your hands. This will bring your hands touching. From here, connect your knees and move to the starting position of a kneeling plank. Your form should include a straight line extending down from your shoulders through your knees. To being the pushup, allow your elbows to come out wide and draw your chest down toward your hands. Go as far down as you feel comfortable. Using those tricep muscles, press back to the top of the plank by pressing through your palms.
Ready for a real challenge? Take this movement on your feet... or for the even more advanced tricep workout for women, place your hands on a medicine ball and do the pushup from there. Wow! That is tough!!!