Dumbbell Fly with Glute Bridge – This combination movement works both your chest and glutes in a synergistic move. Advanced movement with a single leg brings the hip flexors and quads into play
Lying Leg Raise with Chest Press exercise
Barbell Bench Press with Lying Leg Raise Begin by laying down on floor or bench and position the barbell so your eyes are directly underneath the bar Set up your hands evenly about shoulder width apart. Get into a hollow body position (toes pointed, abs and quads squeezed) before moving the barbell. Once in this position, lift the bar over …
Lying Leg Raise
Lying Leg Raise Abdominal Exercise | Double Leg Drop Exercise Lying leg raises, also called the double leg drop exercise, are one of my favorite movements to work your hip flexors and are one of the best exercises for tightening and strengthening the abs. Growing up as a gymnast, bodyweight abdominal exercises helped me develop core strength needed for advanced …