Upward Hip Thrusts

Upward Hip Thrusts

Online personal training client, Alexis Fourman, demonstrates the Upward Hip Thrusts for Julie Lohre’s exercise library. Upward Hip Thrusts was last modified: March 7th, 2023 by Julie Lohre

Ball Pushup Rebounds

Stability Ball Pushup Rebounds

Julie Lohre shows how to do the Ball Pushup Rebounds exercise Stability Ball Pushup Rebounds was last modified: March 7th, 2023 by Julie Lohre

Barbell Ab Rollout Exercise

Barbell Ab Rollout Exercise

How do you do a barbell ab rollout? Abdominal Barbell Rollouts Instructions: Kneel on the floor/mat and grasp the barbell with a shoulder width grip. (You can do this with a loaded or unloaded barbell with 5 or 10 lb plates on each side of the barbell. Be sure to put plate clamps on if using weights.) Keeping your back …

Barbell Ab Floor Wiper Exercise

One of my all time favorite exercises are the Abdominal Barbell Wipers also known as the Barbell Ab Floor Wiper Exercise. Barbell wipers really target those oblique muscles which you use to bring your legs back up. – Begin with a barbell (either just the bar or loaded with the weight of your choosing) and lie down flat on the …

Barbell Leg Raise

Barbell Leg Raise

Julie Lohre, personal trainer and online coach, demonstrates the Barbell Leg Raise exercise. Barbell Leg Raise was last modified: March 7th, 2023 by Julie Lohre

Bear Crawl

Bear Crawl

Julie Lohre, fat loss expert, demonstrates the Bear Crawl exercise Bear Crawl was last modified: March 7th, 2023 by Julie Lohre

Boat Pose

Boat Pose Series

Also called paripurna nava (par-ee-POOR-nah nah-VAHS-anna)paripurna = full, entire, complete // nava = boat How do you get into a boat pose? Boat Pose – Step by Step Step 1Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Press your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, fingers pointing toward the feet, and strengthen the …

Butterfly Situps

Butterfly Situp

To do Butterfly Sit Ups, start seated on the ground and bring the bottoms of your feet together as you let your bent knees fall open into a Butterfly stretch. Bring your heels in toward your body (your mobility will determine how close you bring them in).

Frog Crunch Exercise Demonstation

Frog Crunch

Discover the benefits of incorporating lower body movements in Frog Crunches. Learn how this dynamic exercise targets your core muscles, enhances muscle coordination, and improves hip mobility. Step by stop how to perform Frog Crunches for stronger abs.


Ab Barbell Leg Curl Ins

Exercise Demonstration by IFBB Fitness Pro and Women’s Fitness Expert Julie Lohre. Julie demonstrates the ab barbell leg curl in. Targeting the abdominals and core, this exercise is completed on the ground or on a bench with the barbell overhead in a “bench press” position while your legs are extended in a hollow body position. To complete one rep of …

Boat to Bow Pose

Boat to Bow Pose

Julie Lohre Demonstrates the Boat to Bow Pose This pose starts in the “Bow Position” and is so called because it looks like an archer’s bow, the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string. Step 1Lie on your belly with your hands alongside your torso, palms up. (You can lie on a folded blanket …

Mountain Climber Exercise How To Do

Mountain Climbers

Mastering the Mountain Climber Exercise: A Guide to Proper Form and Benefits Mountain Climber Exercise: If you’re ready to tackle a killer workout that will make you feel like a total badass, then mountain climbers are your jam. Not only do they give you a serious burn, but they also offer a ton of benefits for your overall fitness. So, …

Decline Push Ups

Decline Pushup

A decline pushup is an advanced variation of the basic pushup that increases the difficulty significantly by placing your feet higher than your hands. Adjusting the bench height allows you to customize the intensity of your workout using just your body weight.

Crossfit Wall Climbs

Handstand Wall Climbs – Crossfit Wall Walk

Mastering the CrossFit Wall Walk (Handstand Wall Climb) The CrossFit Wall Walk (also called the Handstand Wall Climb or CrossFit Wall Climb) is an incredible exercise for building upper body strength, improving core stability, and developing coordination. Whether you’re new to this challenging move or looking to perfect your technique, this guide will walk you through how to safely perform …

Plank Position Rows

Renegade Row | Dumbbell Plank Rows

Renegade Rows with Dumbbells | Dumbbell Plank Rows Renegade rows were first made popular in Crossfit but what I love about them most is that they are a super effective back exercise that can be done at home with just dumbbells. If you are looking for a back workout that goes beyond the traditional cable exercises like lat pulldowns, straight …

Side Plank Pulses

Side Plank Pulses

Julie Lohre demonstrates the Side Plank Pulses Side Plank Pulses was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by Julie Lohre

Side Plank Rotation

Side Plank Rotation

Julie Lohre demonstrates the Side Plank Rotation commonly used in Yoga Side Plank Rotation was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by Julie Lohre

Warrior Three Cross Crunch

Warrior Three Cross Crunch

Julie Lohre demonstrates the Warrior Three Cross Crunch Warrior Three Cross Crunch was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by Julie Lohre

Warrior Three Crunch

Warrior Three Crunch

Julie Lohre, Women’s Fitness Expert demonstrates the Warrior Three Crunch Warrior Three Crunch was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by Julie Lohre