Incredible Fit Mom Transformation with FITBODY

I was not an athlete or in any sports growing up, so I didn’t have any training in nutrition or exercise. I was always the “thick” girl until high school when I developed an Eating Disorder. Never did I think I could make a long term fit mom transformation…
I went through college battling it and then somehow overcame it for several years. It would creep back up once in a while with a binge here and there. I continued to yo-yo diet and always had a plan to start again on “Monday”. I always thought the less I ate the better off I was. So somedays it was 500 calories, but then I’d follow it with a day of 3000 calories because I was deprived or emotionally struggling. So my metabolism was shot. I was very discouraged and had no direction.
I weighed myself every single day and that number either tanked my mood or made my day. I was very good about working out though, I lifted weights, went to lots of classes at the gym, read every magazine article on the market and I’ve ran 6 marathons so everyone has always thought that I’m healthy.
I had a baby 2 years ago and gained about 60 lbs – 185 lbs at 5’2′′. I was determined to get the weight back off and to make a fit mom transformation so I did that mostly by not eating much. My Eating Disorder reared it’s ugly head again!
This past year we had a service at church that talked about the power of confession. I decided to confess to a trusted friend that I was struggling with this, she prayed with me and immediately I felt healed. Shortly after that confession, I realized it was going to be a Healing Journey if I ever wanted to truly make a female body transformation. I needed to retrain my mind and body how to eat and workout as a healthy lifestyle and not a “diet” mindset.

“Our bodies are a gift from God. It’s our responsibility to take care of them. Living fit gives me energy, strength, good rest, joy, and self-control!”
That is when I reached out to Julie Lohre and she walked me through exactly what it would take to make a fit mom transformation and to make this a long term change for my health and well being. I knew that I needed knowledge, compassion, strength and support. I’ve found the strength in God to look my struggles in the face and deal with them – the root of them. Asking Julie to walk on this journey with me and teach me was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
We need systems and people in our lives to give us guidance and help us along the journey of life. I’m so thankful for her. After being on her
FITBODY program for 8 weeks – I can say now that I have not skipped a meal, I have not binged, I have had very little processed food, I haven’t missed a workout. I’m not married to the scale or it’s numbers anymore, my emotions are not a roller coaster anymore, I have crazy amounts of energy, sleep very well, I feel whole and healed!
I am a new person…from the inside out!
Over the last 6 months, I have continued this journey and have changed so much – my body transformation is incredible! I’ve lost a total of 16 inches. What’s been amazing is that the parts of my body that I struggled with the most – my hips and booty finally changed! They are a different shape – it’s amazing the power of the right food and working out have over your body. I love my body… I love my life!
Check out Alison Feinauer’s incredible Before and After Pictures with her FITBODY FIT MOM Transformation!
What do you love most about fitness?
I’ve learned with this journey that there are 6 aspects that are critical for overall fitness and health. Sleep, Water, Stretching, Nutrition, Training, and Spiritual disciplines (prayer, worship, and devotions). I’ve added the spiritual disciplines because I believe that if you don’t include the Lord in your health, you will always be left dry and never feeling like you are enough. God has a way of letting us know we are enough no matter what the circumstances. If you incorporate all of those, you will succeed. With one of those off balance you will not succeed – guaranteed!
Now that you have achieved your fit mom bod, what are your fitness goals from here?
My goals are to continue my fit mom transformation by adding a bit more muscle and making my current shape last! Whether that includes competing again or not, I’m not sure. I just want to be able to live this lifestyle all the time. I want to eat clean, work out 6 days a week, changing up my workouts to keep it fun, continue running races with my daughter, I want to be able to play with my 4 year old and have great energy for all the things that are ahead of me. I would also love to encourage others on this journey and help them accomplish their goals, through encouragement, sharing experience, or just motivating them.
What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
I know that being the best me – physically, mentally, and spiritually will help me fulfill the roles I have in this life – wife, mom, employee, friend, etc. That is what motivates and empowers me. I also that our bodies are a gift from God. It’s our responsibility to take care of them. I know if I give into unhealthy things they leave me feeling lethargic, overly – emotional, drained, out of control, short-tempered and lonely. Living fit gives me energy, strength, good rest, joy, self-control, and lots more benefits. So either way you look at it – I have a choice – I choose complete health!

Best & worst part of working with Julie Lohre on you fit mom transformation?
I would have to say the best part was the accountability. I love having the 2-week accountability and motivation to see results. Julie Lohre is always encouraging. The other thing is that she is honest. I completely trust her because she’s not afraid to give me hard truth – in a loving way of course, but she tells me what I need to hear. The worst part? Her training can be tough, but the workouts were really well thought out she really pushed me which I feel like is a big part of why I was able to make such dramatic, but lasting changes!
Favorite clean eating food or recipe
Beverly International’s Ultimate Muscle Protein Vanilla with cashew butter, mix a little together and you have a cookie dough to die for!!
Ready to be inspired?
Check out these other incredible
FITBODY FIT MOM Transformations!

Jenna Dunham – Age: 38
PERSISTENT is definitely the word to describe Oxygen Magazine’s Featured Athlete and FITBODY Magazine Model Jenna Dunham. After gaining weight during multiple pregnancies, Jenna Dunham took control of her fitness and came back stronger making an incredible female body transformation… “I have been working with Julie Lohre for over 3 years. I can honestly say I could have never got back into shape after my babies without her support and guidance. She really does care, and is the best online personal trainer there is!!!”

Brenda Arms – Age: 41
Making lasting changes and an incredible female body transformation takes a whole lot of hard work, dedication and consistency! I was so excited to see the changes that Brenda was able to make in our online fitness coaching program. Her 8 week side by side before and after transformation photos are incredible! Not only has she fine tuned her physique, her Fit Test results have been incredible too! Imagine that… gaining muscle & strength, becoming faster and more flexible while losing bodyfat… It can be done!
Mylena Y. – Age: 42
Recently, I began working with Mylena. This busy 42 year old mother of 6 needed a plan laid out to take her step by step through what she needed to do to get healthier and feel great. She had been working out several months on her own but felt stuck.
The results? Officially Mylena has lost 15 lbs on the scale, but clearly her body has changed well beyond that with added muscle and lost bodyfat making a pretty incredible female body transformation. She lost 5 inches off her hips, 3 inches off her waist and 3 inches off each thigh! The most exciting part though was to see her Fit Test results. Over the 16 week program, Mylena became significantly faster, strong and more flexible.