Stepper Cardio Workout

Julie Lohre’s Stepper Cardio Workout featured in the latestMuscle & Fitness Hers ! Stepper Cardio Workout for Women…Few pieces of cardio equipment are better suited to target the glutes than the stepper.  With this Butt Buster Cardio session and stepper cardio workout, you not only get a great cardiovascular workout and burn calories, you will tighten and define your assets in a way …

Staying Motivated Through Winter

Staying Motivated Through Winter Don’t allow hibernation mode to set in this winter.  Staying on track with your fitness goals despite the cold weather does not have to be difficult.  Here are a few of my favorite ways to stay motivated as the daylight hours dimension and the cold weather ensues. 1.  Take machines for a spin.  I love dumbbells …

Beverly UMP Protein Powder

UMP Protein – The Most Versatile Protein On The Market

5 Unique Ways To Use UMP While everyone enjoys a regular protein shake, UMP protein offers some unique options to aid in your health and fitness journey. Try one of these unique uses and let me know what you think. 1.Use UMP as a meal replacement. Sure, I know you’re saying, I’ve done that, what’s so unique about it. Well, …

healthy ways to cook veggies

Healthy Ways to Cook Vegetables That Taste Good

Healthy Ways to Cook Vegetables That Taste Good! We all know that vegetables are good for us and most women recognize they do not eat nearly enough veggies. Whether you love vegetables or not, there’s one thing you know for sure: the more you get, the better. But did you know that there are some ways to cook veggies that …

Holiday Healthy Food Substitutions

Holiday Healthy Food Substitutions

healthy food substitutions at HOLIDAY dinnerSOf course we all want to enjoy a wonderful holiday meal with family and friends.  Ham, turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, warm pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream that is melted just right… That is the stuff holiday dreams are made of, but they can be nutritional nightmares sure to derail even the most dedicated.  The …

Healthy Holiday Tips 2019

Healthy Holiday Tips

Healthy Holidays Tips | Staying Fit Over the HolidaysThe holidays are such a wonderful time where we celebrate with our friends and families, enjoying amazing foods and rich traditions.  However, for those that want to stay fit, it is also a time of year where the obstacles to working out seem to be stacking up on us.  With the daylight …


Does sleep help you lose weight?

Does sleep help you lose weight? Understanding the connection between sleep and weight loss.If you have ever struggled to lose weight one commonly overlooked factor is the number of hours of sleep you get a night.  I can’t tell you the number of times I have been asked, does sleep help you lose weight?  Trust me, I get it.  As a …

Body Transformation

Incredible FITBODY Transformations

Just a few of the many women transforming their lives through fitness & the FITBODY lifestyle…BrendaMaking lasting changes and an incredible Online Training Transformation… Read Her Story…JennaPERSISTENCE is definitely the word to describe Jenna Dunham’s transformation…Jenna’s Journey…MylenaI am often asked what kind of online training transformation is possible with one or two training sessions…What’s possible in 16 Weeks…CourtneyOvercoming chronic back pain …

Quick Fat Burning Workout HIIT for Women

HIIT Workouts for Women

Most Effective HIIT Workouts for Women(High Intensity Interval Training)High intensity interval training is the perfect answer for fitting exercise into our busy lives.  Between the demands of work, school, family, friends and kids, there are only so many hours in the day what is a busy woman to do?  Finding the time to get your workouts in can just seem …

How to do burpees

What is a Burpee

FITBODY MAGAZINE FOR WOMENThe Latest in Fitness & Nutrition for Real Women!Click Here to Get It FREE!What is a Burpee & How to do Burpees with Proper FormBurpees are one of the most effective full body exercises that you can literally do anywhere.  Made popular by the legions of enthusiastic Crossfit athletes, this equipment free Crossfit exercise will test your strength and stamina.  Sometimes …

No More Skinny Fat Bikini Diet Plan

Skinny Fat Transformation | Skinny Fat Workout | Skinny Fat Diet

How to Make Your Own Skinny Fat Transformation!Skinny Fat Diet | Skinny Fat Workout for Women The term skinny fat can be confusing – how can someone be skinny and fat at the same time and what does a skinny fat diet or skinny fat workout for women look like?  Well, skinny fat people are those that look skinny in …

how to take measurements tape

How to Take Body Measurements

How to Take Body Measurements Accurately and consistently taking body measurements with a tape measure can help gauge weight loss and body recomposition while keeping you motivated and accountable! If you want to super charge your fitness results, stay motivated, and truly assess how your body is changing over time, learning how to take body measurements and doing so frequently …

Julie Lohre's Stepper Cardio Workout as seen in Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine

Stepper Cardio Workout

Julie’s Stepper Cardio Workout featured in the latest Muscle & Fitness Hers!Stepper Cardio Workout for Women…Few pieces of cardio equipment are better suited to target the glutes and hamstrings than the stepper. With this Butt Buster Cardio session and stepper cardio workout, you not only get a great cardiovascular workout and burn calories, you will tighten and define your assets …

Tricep Workout for Women with Julie Lohre

Tricep Workouts for Women

Best Tricep Workouts & Tricep Exercises for WomenLosing weight? Great! But what’s up with the jiggle?Working hard on your nutrition is of course critical in your weight loss journey, but as you lose weight many people notice sagging in areas of their bodies they had not seen before. The back of the arms is one of the most obvious area …

Abs Workout for Women Featured Image

Ab Workouts for Women

Looking for the Best Ab Workouts for Women? Ready to tighten and define your stomach? Jump In!Finding an ab workout that will really define and chisel your core can be a challenge!  If you have been on the look out for the best ab workouts for women, you have come to the right place.  Oxygen Magazine choose me to be …

Fitbody Fit Test

How Fit Are You? Online Fitness Test

How Fit Are You?  Online Fitness Test for Women Being fit is about so much more than the number on a scale or fitting into a certain clothing size.  While being at a healthy weight is important, there are other measures the can be most helpful in giving us a full picture of your overall fitness.  And your fitness level …